Exploring Alternatives for Dispute Resolution in Separation Cases

At Le Brun and Associates Lawyers, we understand that separation can be a very stressful, daunting, and challenging time, and we aim to reduce the stress. We believe in exploring alternatives to traditional court proceedings to settle your property and parenting disputes. Our family law lawyers in Melbourne look to minimise the cost to clients and resolve the matter in a more efficient and effective manner.

Our lawyers explore the option of alternative dispute resolution particularly when parties share the care of their children or have been in a long relationship, and value the importance of resolving disputes on an amicable basis. Below, we explore key alternatives for dispute resolution in separation cases:

1. Mediation 

Mediation is very effective in resolving disputes and can include a lawyer-assisted mediation process. This is where both parties work with a mediator who has expertise in family law matters to facilitate negotiations between the parties and their legal representatives.

Parties will keep their discussions and negotiations confidential. Mediation is a cost-effective way to resolve asset division disputes or disputes regarding the children’s living arrangements without resorting to court.

At Le Brun and Associates, our family law lawyers in Melbourne represent our clients throughout the mediation process and make submissions to ensure the best outcome is achieved.

2. Family Dispute Resolution (FDR)

Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is a requirement before parties proceed to court. It involves a specialised mediation process to resolve parenting disputes to avoid the matter escalating to court.

Our family law lawyers in Melbourne will assist clients in resolving their parenting disputes by advising them of the options available whatever their personal situation involves. This could include when a parent is seeking sole parental responsibility, relocation from the State of Victoria or other states or moving overseas, or when a parent requires supervision of their time with the children.

We assist parents reach an agreement on child living arrangements in line with what is considered to be in the child’s best interest and welfare. At Le Brun and Associates, our family law lawyers in Melbourne guide clients through various options to try to resolve their parenting disputes and prepare for FDR. We arrange representation throughout the process to ensure that they can achieve the best outcomes for their children and to maintain a meaningful relationship with their children.

Why do people choose Alternative Dispute Resolution?

We would advise clients to consider an alternative dispute resolution method to minimise the stress and emotional toll they would experience during the court process, as well as the significant costs in proceeding to litigation.

Alternative dispute resolution also permits clients to maintain more control over the outcome of decisions involving their children and can assist in preserving amicable relationships between parents. This is of the utmost importance when parents share the care of their children.

How We Can Help

At Le Brun and Associates Lawyers, we are committed to assisting our clients find the best solution and outcome to suit their unique circumstances. Whether through mediation or FDR, our experienced family law lawyers in Melbourne are committed to ensuring that clients are provided with expert advice and will guide clients every step of the way, ensuring our clients’ rights are protected and your future is secured.  

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